Jupiter Band Instruments Sponsors Student Melody Competition


The Colorado Music Educators Association organized a contest for students to compose a sixteen bar melody to be the inspiration for an original wind ensemble piece. Along with Jupiter, the event was sponsored by BandDirector.com. Grammy Nominated composer, Rick DeJonge, was selected as the composer for the piece which was to include the world renowned Boston Brass and the Pikes Peak Middle School Honor Band.

Dave Knox from Bandirector.com stated “The Pikes Peak Middle School Honor Band proved to be a worthy choice for the world premiere performance of the Banddirector.com Student Commission Project. The band rose to the challenge, rehearsed and performed as true musicians.”

The winner of the melody contest was Jayson Elliott, a junior at Air Academy High School in Colorado Springs. Mr. DeJonge presented Jayson with an autographed score of “Song of Light” signed by himself and the members of the Boston Brass just prior to the premiere. “I thought it was a really unique experience and it’s not what I expected. I was impressed with the middle school honor band, I liked the way Mr. DeJonge took the melody and made it into something as stirring as that. The Boston Brass was also wonderful and I never would have expected anything like that. Something as unique and awesome as that performance is just indescribable and unimaginable” said Jayson.


In a letter to Tabor Stamper, President of KHS America, Rick Shaw stated “It is with great appreciation that I thank you and all responsible parties at Jupiter Music Instruments for your commitment to music education. The vision and support of Jupiter is what made a unique event such as the Colorado Student Composition Project a monumental success. This World Premiere is going to be talked about for years to come and has raised the bar for what can be done when creative vision is supported by people with commitment and passion.”

You can see the premiere as well as film of the rehearsal: www.banddirector.com/article/pg-concert-band/colorado-student-commission-project?productguide=534

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